Delivery Policy
Your Order
From the Secure Checkout page, you'll see your item description and price of your item(s), once your order is placed, we will provide information on your order by email.
Order Confirmation Email
The Order Confirmation email provides the order number and a summary of all the item(s) on your order.
Shipment Confirmation Email
We'll send a Shipment Confirmation email when your item(s) ships out from our fulfilment centre. The Shipment Confirmation email includes the order number, estimated duration of your shipment, shipping/ billing address, and a summary of all the item(s) on your order. In most cases, you can also click the tracking number link to track your package on the carrier's website.
Shipment Delivery Duration
We work hard to ship every order as quickly as possible: in normal circumstance, your ordered item(s) will leave our laboratory or our supplier laboratory within 4/7 business days after you place your order. Please also note that delivery times vary according to your selected delivery address/ region and availability of your item(s).
Shipping Cost
The cost of shipping is calculated and displayed on the Checkout page before you complete your order. You can find delivery costs at checkout, on the Order Confirmation and Shipment Confirmation email.
Some products may be delivered directly from our trusted manufacturers.
All orders ship with a tracking number that can be used to monitor the status of the package in transit.